Mini Merdeka Carnival @ Medan Niaga Kampung Melayu Majidee


The event hopes to attract more visitors to the new commerce hub

‘Sayangi Malaysiaku: Malaysia Bersih’, was the theme for the Mini Merdeka Carnival held at Medan Niaga Kampung Melayu Majidee recently. The event was attended by JB Parliament Member, Akmal Nasir, and ADUN Larkin, Izhar Ahmad, Councillor of Kampung Melayu Majidee, Rosli bin Kemin, and Village Chief of Kampung Melayu Majidee, Salleh bin Tukiran.

JB Parliament Member Akmal Nasir officiating the event

The two-day community-based event attracted the community of all ages and interests, from colouring contests for kindergarten children to a display of bicycles for the enthusiasts. A flag raising ceremony accompanied the National Anthem, graced by two veterans of the navy.

Akmal Nasir, in his speech, emphasised on harmony in community, to understand history and the true meaning of Merdeka – Independence.

Cute – Children watching children performing the Zapin dance

“We have a part to play in our society, in our country… We need to hold on to what our fathers fought for sixty years ago. Do not be quick to respond, do not be fooled by irresponsible parties.”

Speaking to the press, Akmal Nasir said that messages on harmony must be clear, and emphasis should be placed on coming together as a community from all walks of life, not about racial issues.

Hj Abd Wahab (in orange shirt) being escorted down from stage, shedding tears of reminiscence

Haji Abdul Wahab bin Haji Abdullah, an 80-year-old navy veteran, shed tears on the stage when he received a token of appreciation from the community. Speaking to us, he shared the solemn of realising it would be 62 years of our nation’s independence. Remembering dates by heart, he recalled being on the ship when he heard the news of independence, much to the relief and happiness of him and his mates.

Hj Abd Wahab, 80-year-old navy veteran with 19 grandchildren and an impressive memory of the historical dates of Malaysia

The event was also an initiative to liven up the crowds and atmosphere of the space. Medan Niaga Kampung Melayu Majidee opened in 2018, housing a wet and dry market, and various shop lots.