Second Phase of Mah Sing’s Give Back to the Community


Developer Mah Sing Group releases 132 units of medium cost shop-lots and 132 units of affordable double-stores townhouses to the public

Mah Sing Group recently released a total of 132 medium-cost shop-lots and 132 units of double-storey townhouses at an affordable price of RM200,000 and RM150,000 respectively.

Officiated by Sr. Dzulkefly Ahmad, Housing, Communication and Multimedia Committee Chairman, the balloting session for the Type C (Phase 2) affordable shop houses and homes saw the attendance of a total of 104 registrants for the shop-lots and 795 registrants for the townhouses. This project that is being developed by Mah Sing Group is part of the requirement under the state government’s housing policy.

Ng Jui Eian (Senior General Manager of Mah Sing Group Project Development), Benjamin Ong (Chief Operating Officer of Mah Sing Group), Sr. Dzulkefly Ahmad (Housing, Communication and Multimedia Committee Chairman), and Haji Mohd Radzi bin Haji Mohd Amin (undersecretary of the Johor State Housing Department) at the balloting along with the first ballot

The total of balloted units for the 1,200 sqft shop-lots were 114 units with the allocation to the Malays (74 units), Chinese (29 units), and Indians (11 units). As for the 1,000 sqft townhouses, a total of 68 units were allocated to the Malays, 27 units to the Chinese and 11 units to the Indian with a total ballot of 106 units.

Prior to this, Mah Sing had conducted the first phase of balloting for 50 units of medium cost shop-lots in March 2018 and 106 units of affordable homes in July 2019.

Mah Sing is also expecting to launch 187 units of double-story terrace homes (The Acacia 22’ x 70’) in Q4 of 2019.

Group photo with the first 10 successful ballots

“I would like to commend Mah Sing Group for their efforts in developing the 1,113 acres of land here with great and attractive gated and guarded  housing development as well as including affordable homes and other properties for the convenience of the public,” said Dzulkefly in his speech.

“I wish you all good luck in obtaining the certificate of qualification to own a home by expediting your financing so that the process of ownership can run smoothly,” he added.