With a Book You are Never Alone While Practising Social Distancing

Five titles from BookXCess to immerse yourself into


The Extended Movement Control Order (EMCO) that now goes all the way till 14th April 2020 got you the blues being cooped up in between walls at home? Maybe it is time to refresh your mind, spirit and soul from the endless COVID-19 memes that goes wild in social media, dampening your mood and motivation.

Pick up a valuable habit like the old school days by reading. Maybe time constraints have put off your desire to read, it’s now the right time to get into it. It is a great way to tune off all the negative noise by immersing yourself in a good book. BookXCess has just the right titles for you to get into during this pandemic quarantine.

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365 Ways to Live Happy: Simple Ways to Find Joy Every Day (RM12.90)

365 Ways to Live Happy: Simple Ways to Find Joy Every Day (RM12.90)

A calming read over here. Learn to turn pessimism to optimism With 365 Ways to Live Happy: Simple Ways to Find Joy Every Day by Meera Lester by rediscovering the meaning in each moment and how to lighten up again. Not only would this rejuvenate your overall aspects as an individual, the positivity that you start to inhibit would spill over to other people around you. Need to feel good again? This book is for you.

How Soon is Now? From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation (RM24.90)

How Soon is Now? From Personal Initiation to Global Transformation (RM24.90)

It’s cool to look back, reflect and consider the choices that we have made. If self-improvement is something that you are looking for, How Soon is Now? From Personal Initiation to Global Tranformation by Daniel Pinchbeck is perfect for you. There are even solutions proposed for any junctions of decisions that you may have come across or were at currently by delving into the words of thinkers like Carl Jung and Jack Kerouac.

Move Fast and Break Things (RM19.90)

Move Fast and Break Things (RM19.90)

Get your brains moving with Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy by Jonathan Taplin that takes after Mark Zuckerberg’s famous motto giving this idea on how entrepreneurs think of disruption where more is considered better always. Get busy with business models, ideologies and personalities like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos. Into understanding small pieces that made up the giant? Then this is your book.

Inspiring Animals (RM19.90)

Inspiring Animals (RM19.90)

Miss the time where everything was so much simpler? Adult colouring is taking a huge wave and you could find many bookstores offering colouring books as an alternative way to escape the busy days by providing the therapeutic and calming activity as simple as filling in colours in spaces with the theme of flowers, animals and cities. Inspiring Animals has over 80 pages to colour and 6 colour pencils that come with it – Might just be the perfect time to start a new hobby like this.

The Mortal Instruments Book Set (Book 1-6) RM99.90

The Mortal Instruments Book Set (Book 1-6) RM99.90

The Mortal Instruments Box Set Book 1- 6 by Cassandra Clare will keep readers busy for a week or more, depending on how fast you are able to devour the pages.  It features all six books in the series: City of Bones, City of Ashes, City of Glass, City of Fallen Angels, City of Lost Souls and City of Heavenly Fire. The series revolves around Clary, who is no ordinary fifteen-year-old. Supernatural creatures, romance and betrayal make the series an absolute page-turner.

Books should not be seen as a luxury, but rather as a necessity for self-enhancement and knowledge. Find more books from bookxcessonline.com for a range of books at 50% – 80% off recommended retail price.

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