Take Me To: A Childhood Cancer Project

Take Me To: A Childhood Cancer Project raised funds for three hospitals

Take Me To
Hospital Sultanah Aminah’s Oncology_Paediatric Ward receiving the packs by TMT

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic hit the whole wide world early 2020, we’ve all underwent lockdowns and adapted to the new normal way of living by practising social distancing.

However, during the lockdown period, getting supplies became difficult for some, even for hospitals that housed not only those who are suffering from the coronavirus disease but also their other warded patients, especially those with terminal illnesses.

Having this thought in mind, ‘Take Me To: A Childhood Cancer Project (TMT)’, a nonprofit project that provides weeklong, cost-free vacation to families with children suffering from the last stages of terminal cancer; an effort made come true by a 14 year old Marius Madsen, also known as ‘Abang Lego’, started raising funds through Facebook and connected with SimplyGiving website since February to provide care packages to children warded in hospitals.

Huggies Malaysia joined hands with TMT and all care packages were distributed to the Oncology Pediatric Wards at 3 main hospitals that TMT have been in touch with closely since the beginning of their project – Hospital Sultanah Aminah in Johor, Hospital Kuala Lumpur and Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah in Terengganu.

TMT is still raising funds to ensure that supplies are enough monthly and interested parties may get in touch with them at www.facebook.com/achildhoodcancerproject/ or donate through SimplyGiving https://www.simplygiving.com/appeal/childcancersupportpackage