Snow Fungus: 6 Ways It Can Improve Your Well-being’

A long-time favourite ingredient in desserts and soups, Snow fungus is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits

Include Snow Fungus in your diet for health benefits

Being renowned for its numerous health benefits, Snow fungus is a popular ingredient used in several desserts and dishes.’ Incorporating this ingredient into your desserts and dishes can offer several compelling reasons.

A long-time favourite ingredient in desserts and soups, Snow fungus is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits. Snow fungus holds a significant place in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Chinese cuisine, thanks to its mild flavour and medicinal properties. For centuries, it has been utilised in TCM to promote anti-aging, boost the immune system, and prevent diseases.

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of snow fungus and incorporating it into your diet, continue reading to discover more.

What’s Good About Snow Fungus?

Snow fungus, also referred to as white fungus (bai mu er, 白木耳) or silver ear (yin er, 银耳), scientifically known as Tremella fuciformis, is recognised for its resemblance to bird’s nest and its associated health benefits. This gelatinous mushroom thrives on the decaying bark of tree branches.

Snow fungus soup is a common dessert in Asia.

Let’s explore six notable health benefits of snow fungus:

  1. Nourishes the Lungs

According to TCM physician Lee Shin Wei, snow fungus and other white foods are believed to be beneficial for the Lungs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In particular, snow fungus nourishes and moisturises the Lungs. This makes it a well-known and essential ingredient in simple TCM soups that aid in respiratory tract infections.

Supporting this belief, a study published in Oncology Letters in 2018 highlighted the protective properties of Tremella polysaccharides on the respiratory system. The study revealed that these polysaccharides significantly inhibited the onset of Lung cell death caused by toxic lipopolysaccharides from the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium. This bacterium is a major contributor to respiratory diseases among infants and children worldwide. This research further supports the potential respiratory health benefits of snow fungus.

2. Promotes heart health

Like many other medicinal edible mushrooms, snow fungus is not only beneficial for its medicinal properties but also for its nutritional value. It is rich in dietary fibre and low in calories, making it a favourable choice for promoting heart health. Previous studies have indicated that snow fungus can help in reducing serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol, which are commonly associated with cardiovascular health concerns. Incorporating snow fungus into your diet can be a nutritious way to support heart health and maintain healthy cholesterol levels.

3. Anti-diabetic and anti-obesity

Snow fungus has emerged as a promising health food option for addressing metabolic diseases. A recent review published in the International Journal of Immunology and Pathology in 2021 highlighted the potential of snow fungus in combating conditions such as obesity and diabetes. The review included an animal model study that showed the effectiveness of Tremella polysaccharides in regulating genes associated with obesity, insulin resistance, and other complications related to diabetes. The findings suggest that snow fungus has the ability to positively impact metabolic disorders and may serve as a beneficial dietary addition for individuals dealing with these conditions.

4. Neuroprotective and great for brain health

Recent research has provided increasing evidence of the potential benefits of snow fungus in promoting nerve growth factor (NGF), which could be advantageous for neurological conditions like Parkinson’s disease. The protective effect of Tremella polysaccharides on neurons operates through mechanisms similar to those of existing neuroprotective agents available in the market.

Moreover, several studies suggest that snow fungus may have positive effects on brain-related diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food demonstrated that supplementation with Tremella fuciformis improved memory function in individuals experiencing subjective cognitive impairment. These findings highlight the potential of snow fungus in supporting brain health and cognitive function.

5. Promotes healthy, youthful skin

Physician Lee emphasises that snow fungus also has beneficial effects on the Spleen, revitalising the body, promoting fluid production, and nurturing the skin. It is known to reduce wrinkles and enhance facial appearance. Snow fungus is rich in plant collagen, containing 17 different amino acids that are essential for collagen synthesis. It also contains natural water-retaining ingredients like tremella polysaccharide, calcium, and other minerals.

6. Strengthens the immune system

Research conducted in the past few decades has provided evidence that snow fungus can be a beneficial health supplement for strengthening the immune system. Tremella polysaccharides, once again, play a significant role in this aspect. Studies have shown that Tremella fuciformis has the ability to activate various immune cells, including macrophages, T-lymphocytes, and B-lymphocytes. These immune cells play crucial roles in defending the body against pathogens and maintaining overall immune function. By stimulating these white blood cells, snow fungus can contribute to strengthening the immune system.

Incorporate snow fungus into your diet to enjoy a radiant skin

Tastes Like Dessert, Works Health Wonders

“In TCM, this mushroom is considered to have a sweet, mild, and neutral taste,” explains Physician Lee. In order to enjoy the full health benefits, you have to ensure that the product you are consuming is of high quality.

Snow fungus can be identified by its unique shape, colour, texture, smell, and soaking effect. When selecting snow fungus, look for pieces that are almost translucent and white, with a hint of pale yellow. The fruiting body should be large and loose. The pedicle, which is the stem-like part, should be free from black spots and impurities.

It’s important to ensure that the snow fungus is dried and doesn’t feel moist. Additionally, it should have a neutral smell without any unusual or unpleasant odours. If it has a sour or pungent smell, it is likely spoilt and should be avoided.

To test the quality of snow fungus, you can soak it in water for a few hours. Good-quality snow fungus will expand by up to five or ten times its dried size during soaking. If it doesn’t expand or shows signs of incomplete floral shape, it indicates that the snow fungus has gone bad and should not be consumed.

“It’s unsuitable for people with a cough with mucus or a Damp-Heat constitution. Those with a cold at the early stage of exogenous infection should avoid it,” Physician Lee advises.

Instead of just eating apples, you can incorporate snow fungus into your diet and see how a ‘dessert’ a day keeps the doctor away. Start adding this wonderful ingredient to your meals!


**The facts and views expressed are solely that of the author/authors and do not necessarily reflect that of the editorial board


  1. 2021. White Fungus: One Mushroom, Many Names, Many Benefits. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022] 
  2. Oncology Letters. 2018. Tremella polysaccharides inhibit cellular apoptosis and autophagy induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide in A549 cells through sirtuin 1 activation. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022]
  3. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2017. Tremella fuciformis polysaccharide suppresses hydrogen peroxide-triggered injury of human skin fibroblasts via upregulation of SIRT1. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022]
  4. International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology. 2021. A review on the production, structure, bioactivities and applications of Tremella polysaccharides. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022]
  5. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2018. Efficacy and Safety of Tremella fuciformis in Individuals with Subjective Cognitive Impairment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022]
  6. Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy. 2021. Mushrooms as therapeutic agents. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 September 2022]