Movement Control Order: “Fret Not, Food Supply Is Enough”

Public can still patron Pasar Tani Kekal (PTK) for raw supply during Movement Control Order

Movement Control Order

Agriculture, Agro-based and Rural Development committee chairman, Datuk Haji Samsolbari Bin Jamali has guaranteed that Johor’s fresh food to livestock supplies such as vegetables, fish, chicken, and raw meat are enough to last the Movement Control Order (MCO) that has commenced since 18th March 2020.


Fishing activities are still in operation like normal, although some trawler boats’ operations have to be halted. No incidents have taken place so far in Johor. Fish suppliers facing any difficulties are advised to contact Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) for a permit to resolve the transportation issue.

As of 25th March 2020, a total of 212 Food Chain Confirmation Letters and Food Supply Premises Operations Notice have been issued by the Johor State Department of Agriculture. Individuals involved are advised to apply for certification to facilitate the operation of agricultural activities.

Raw supplies are available at the Pasar Tani Kekal (PTK) which would be operating as usual during the MCO period and in FAMA (Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority) there are a total of 27 People’s Agrobazaar Shop (AKR) and 9 People’s Agrobazaar (ABR) throughout Johor.


Situation in most Felda is still under control, palm oil seeds harvesting is ongoing per usual.

Felda Adela has closed due to the outbreak and the palm oil seeds are shipped to Felda Semenchu for processing. Welfares for quarantined families due to the COVID-19 outbreak would be taken care of by Felda.

Felda would ensure supplies are enough in all Felda DMART stores during MCO. Felda settlers would get a limited RM500 (per month) for them to purchase essential items at DMART store.

Farming side expected an estimated loss of RM1.5 from farmers during the MCO period due to the lack of demand, declining wholesale and farms closures. Addressing the issue, Johor State Agriculture Department will be joining with various parties such as FAMA to help boost the sale of agricultural produce.


As of 31st March 2020, the state has estimated to have 500,000 to 600,000 production of pineapples from different varieties, used to be having the least of problems in the market and is now facing challenges due to the outbreak. The Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (LPNM) will be distributing the stock to factories for processing and shipping it to the northern states and the east coast for sale with their own shipment.

All initiatives for pineapple marketing are run by the Malaysian Pineapple Industry Board (LPNM) and will overcome the issue of pineapples high excess.