MBJB Invites 300 Attendees to its Green Building and Universal Design Seminar

The seminar aims to provide knowledge on the national standards of green and low carbon elements in city development

Promotional poster from MBJB’s Facebook

Mayor Datuk Mohd Noorazam Osman of the Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB) has announced that on the 21st of June 2022, MBJB through its Building Control Department in collaboration with Koperasi MBJB Berhad will organise a seminar on ‘Green Building’ and ‘Universal Design’ in MBJB Development at Holiday Villa Hotel Johor Bahru from 8 am to 5 pm.

“The seminar targets a participation of 300 participants from the local government, state government, CIDB, ​​IRDA, developers, consultants and contractors who are directly involved in development in the MBJB area,” he said in a statement from MBJB’s May 2022 meeting.

“This seminar will provide information, knowledge and awareness on the need to provide green and low carbon elements in development according to the standards in MS: 1525: 2019 and the Green Neighbourhood Planning Guidelines.

“It can also increase the knowledge and skills of participants in complying with the requirements of the Uniform Building By-Laws 1984 UUK 34A (Amendment) and the guidelines set out in Malaysia Standard (MS 1183, 1184 AND 1331: 2003),” he added.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing session between MBJB and Think City to further strengthen cooperation in the implementation of urban rejuvenation programmes under the Johor Bahru Transformation would also take place after the seminar.

“It is also one of MBJB’s initiatives to preserve and conserve the diversity of heritage and cultural assets in Johor Bahru city centre as well as instil a sense of belonging to the local area,” said the mayor.

Those who are interested to register for the seminar may log on to https://forms.gle/dzW6QPd1hoxr6ABD8. The registration deadline is before the 16th of June 2022.