Maintaining Highest Level of Safety and Security

Johor Port prioritises on competency enhancement programme for its auxiliary police force

Johor Port Auxiliary Police at Firearms Training

As the Southern Gateway Multi-Purpose Port in Malaysia that contributes not only largely to the nation butalso global trade, Johor Port Berhad (Johor Port), a member of MMC Group, prioritises in maintaining asafe and secure environment for its port users and customers to conduct business.

At Johor Port, its armed security force known as the Johor Port Auxiliary Police is responsible toensure utmost protection from any potential threats whether by land, sea or air. They provide patrolling and24-hour surveillance at all entry and exit points to various facilities within the port as well as enforcing bothport and maritime safety regulations at Johor Port’s waterfront.

The Johor Port Auxiliary Police force comprises of a team of 85 officers and members of which five (5) ofthem are women. The Johor Port Auxiliary Police officers and members are authorised to carry firearms asthey are the primary responders for all reported crimes and incidents within its jurisdiction.

On top of the Auxiliary Police Training at the Police Training Centres (PULAPOL), the armed security forcealso undergoes various skills trainings regularly to strengthen its performance and ensure adequatepreparation for various services and security roles such as Marine Facility Security Officer for vessel searches.

Johor Port recently conducted the 2021 Bi-Annual Firearms Training for its Auxiliary Police at the KotaTinggi REM Farm Shooting Range on 1, 3 and 9 April 2021. The Firearms Training aimed at enhancingthe usage of firearms through up-to-date training and improving the level of preparedness whenencountering any situation involving firearms usage.

The training programme consisted of a briefing session and practical training on the procedures and safetyaspects of handling firearms, followed by ‘Centre Fire’ gun and ‘Falling Plate’ pump-action gun skills trainingsessions. The weapons used during the training consisted of Glock19 9mm gun type firearms and 12-bore pump guns. The training session ended with a swearing-in ceremony by all the participants. The next firearms training will be conducted in October 2021.

“In any maritime operations, the number one priority is to ensure utmost port security – this is because themarine transportation sector is a thriving and extensively used form of conveyance that contributes largelyto the nation’s economy. Here at Johor Port, we ensure regular training is conducted for all policeofficers to help provide adequate foundation in carrying out important safety-related tasks,” explained Md Derick Basir, Chief Executive Officer of Johor Port.

The Johor Port Auxiliary Police also collaborates with multiple Government entities such as RoyalMalaysian Police (PDRM), Customs, Immigration, National Anti-Drugs Agency (AADK) and otherGovernment Agencies such as the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services (Maqis) Department tofacilitate in monitoring and providing safety and security spanning miles of waterfront and land-basedfacilities.