KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital Lend A Help To Mersing Kechil Residents


KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital held a Medical Camp Programme last week to the community of Mersing at Surau Mersing Kechil, Jalan Nakhoda located 5 mins from Mersing City.

The launching ceremony was officiated by Tuan Haji Aminudin Dawam, Executive Director of KPJ Healthcare Berhad cum Chairman of KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital together with Tuan Haji Khairun Ahmad, Executive Director of KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital and Puan Haliza Khalid, Chief Executive Officer of KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital.

Medical Officer, Dr Maziah conducting a health screening

Tuan Haji Aminudin Dawam thanked the community of Mersing for welcoming KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital’s team and provided excellent service.

Collaboration between KPJ Puteri Specialist Hospital and AJK of Surau Mersing Kechil involved 100 KPJ Puteri staff, including 6 Consultants from different specialist areas.

Tuan Haji Aminudin (in front) together with Tuan Haji Khairun and Haliza painting Endut’s house

The Medical Camp programme were held for 2 days including a visit to 2 poor homes and the hospital donated basic necessities to the poor families as well.

Puan Haliza said, “KPJ Puteri has held Medical Camps for the past 26 years to serve the community, but this year, they created a room to conduct a ‘makeover’ for a patient, Endut Embong, 78, at Kampung Seri Lumpur who is bedridden after stroke.

KPJ Puteri community team

Besides health screening, KPJ Puteri also held a colouring contest and ‘gotong-royong’.

Haliza hopes that KPJ Puteri will continually provide medical care to the community.

Appreciation to Director of Surau Mersing Kechil, Mohd Zin Ali

KPJ Puteri will always be committed and strive to improve as a medical hub and spread awareness to the community by doing various CSR programmes.