International Business Alliance and Johor Lady Loft to Expand Opportunities and Business Network

The two networking entities are joining forces to woo the interests of domestic and international investors

IBA and JLL members taking commemorative group photo at the MoU signing ceremony

Two notable network circles in Johor, International Business Alliance (IBA) and Johor Lady Loft (JLL) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to mark the expansion of the networking platform for the Malay and English Chapter at R&F Princess Cove Sales Gallery.

The signing and exchange of documents were done by Hong Kean Kok, President of IBA and Nora Dato’ Rahmat, Founder of JLL. The attendees included stakeholders, investors and associates of both the organisations’ Johor and Kuala Lumpur chapters.

(From left) Johor Lady Loft (JLL) founder, Nora Dato’ Rahmat and International Business Alliance (IBA)’s President, Hong Kean Kok showing the documents after the MoU signing

“Through this collaboration, we hope to reach out to more business-minded professionals, to continue to build a strong business network in Malaysia and globally, and to thrive together in giving back to society,” said Nora, adding that she believes in the idea of sharing sources, diversity and giving back to the community.

Nora in her address speech said JLL is pledging 5% of its revenue to The Johor Women’s League (JEWEL), Cahaya Surya and My Outreach.

“JLL is looking for a collaboration to support members as a newcomer in the networking scene that is supported by the Johor State Women Development Department (JPWNJ) and that is where IBA came along sharing a similar foundation to JLL’s,” she added in an interview.

“Grateful that IBA is expanding beyond our existing chapter and through this partnership, we could explore more markets in the spirit of Malaysian family,” Hong said in an interview with The Iskandarian.

“We want to integrate and catered to both markets by learning more about each other which would benefit everyone in the long run,” he added.

(From left) Johor Lady Loft (JLL) founder, Nora Dato’ Rahmat and International Business Alliance (IBA)’s President, Hong Kean Kok showing the documents after the MoU signing

To date, Hong explained that IBA has 260 associates worldwide encompassing Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, China and much more.

The event also saw the appointment of the partnership’s Legal Advisor, Dato’ Lawrence Chiong, founder of CHIONG & PARTNERS (CnP) and an appointed Notary Public from Putrajaya Attorney General (AG) Chambers based in Johor Bahru.

For more info on partnership and collaboration, interested parties could email JLL at