Integrated Waste Management Plant in Three Felda Areas in Johor

Greentech Axis and Felda inked a MoU to implement the pilot project

Image credit of FELDA - Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan FB page

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by Greentech Axis Limited (GAB) and the Federal Land Development Authority (Felda) to carry out the pilot project for an Integrated Waste Management Plant (IWMP) in three Felda areas in Johor.

Felda Adela, Felda Air Tawar, and Felda Tenggaroh will be the forerunners for the IWMP models, according to GAB executive chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Feardaus Khairuddin.

IWMP is an integrated method of managing solid waste and waste water.

“Preliminary site studies in the area found that this project not only received a good response from the Felda management but also from the settlers who cooperated in efforts towards sustainable development.

“In addition, this collaboration will also provide job opportunities to local residents and surrounding areas and further enhance education and awareness of recycling,” he said.

He was speaking to reporters following the MoU signing ceremony at Menara Felda, which was witnessed by Deputy Finance Minister I Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan and Felda chairman Datuk Seri Ahmad Shabery Cheek.

Felda was represented by its director-general Datuk Amiruddin Abdul Satar and Sustainability director Ismail Samingin, while GAB was represented by Feardaus and Chief Officer of Human Resources and Administration Faisal Zakariah.

Feardaus, who is also the CEO of GAB, stated that the first phase, which cost RM1.4 billion and included analysis work, data collection, and reports related to IWMP development, had been completed.

“The overall GDV (gross development value) for the 10-year development period in the three Felda districts is estimated at RM10 billion. Now, we are in the second phase of implementation of the IWMP,” he said.

He stated that GAB is a leading company in environmental sustainability and renewable energy initiatives, and that the MoU demonstrates GAB’s strong commitment to the United Nations’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) framework.

He stated that the IWMP will be built with cutting-edge technology and will include an innovative green technology waste management system that follows the 3R concept of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

Feardaus elaborated on the IWMP, stating that it is capable of producing compost fertiliser and renewable energy as well as efficient and comprehensive effluent management.

“This process will involve factory waste, plantation waste as well as food and solid waste collected from the Felda areas. The IWMP will also minimise environmental impact, save resources and reduce landfill waste by providing a platform to manage waste in an integrated manner.

“This signifies good cooperation and innovation towards economic growth and fostering impactful changes in the waste management and renewable energy industries,” he said.

Meanwhile, Ahmad Maslan stated that the country is working on carbon credit, a type of economic instrument used to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, in order to protect and maintain environmental sustainability.

“So, the Ministry of Finance highly welcomes any positive matters in relation to the development of the IMWP. This pilot project is also in line with efforts to implement the green technology plan in Malaysia,” he said.

While this was going on, Ahmad Shabery hoped that Felda, as the largest landowner, would serve as a resource for the advancement of green technology and renewable energy, which are the primary sources of carbon credits.