Editor’s Note


Welcome to the second half of the year and we’re exploring some new ways to keep our readers engaged in general news and lifestyle content in these difficult times.

We will keep adding exciting Music updates from our partners and as for Movies, Black Widow is supposed to make its way out this month on the big screens (fingers crossed). With the current unpredictable MCO and pandemic situation, so be prepared for movie postponements and etc.

Our Food column on the website will carry some simple recipes from Ayam Brand Malaysia using pantry staples. Log on to that tab and whip up comfort food for your family or browse through previous recipes if you have not tried them out before. So happy exploring and cooking!

As always, for those wishing to share their fashion collection, travel tales, or like us to review your restaurant/hotel for a staycation, drop me an e-mail at waves.lifestyle@gmail.com and be featured. For more news, do access www.theiskandarian.com and https://waves-lifestyle.com/.

The Iskandarian wishes our readers Selamat Hari Raya Haji!                      

Kind Regards,
