Cycle & Carriage Unveils the Future of Luxury in Johor Bahru

Introducing the largest Mercedes-Benz Autohaus in the Southern region

L to R Ribbon cutting by Dr Claus Weidner, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, Wilfrid Foo CEO of Cycle & Carriage, Michael Jopp Vice President of Sales & Marketing Mercedes-Benz Malaysia

Cycle & Carriage, together with Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, officially unveils the newly upgraded JohorBahru Autohaus. Enhanced with the new Mercedes-Benz Brand Presence, the Cycle & Carriage JohorBahru Autohaus embraces customer-centricity, offering a luxurious automotive retail experience that putsthe customer first. This launch marks another milestone for the leading Mercedes-Benz dealer in Malaysiaas part of its continuous effort in delivering exceptional journeys to fans and customers alike.

“For more than 26 years, Cycle & Carriage have brought the Mercedes-Benz brand and experience to thesouthern region through our Johor Bahru Autohaus. Today, we unveil the latest manifestation of theMercedes-Benz’s definition of luxury and all its accoutrements. This milestone could not have happenedwithout the outstanding support from our partner, Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, and our remarkable team here.We are honoured to continue being entrusted to complement every vehicle bearing the world- renownedthree-pointed star with our Cycle & Carriage brand of exceptional service to our customers,” says WilfridFoo, the CEO of Cycle & Carriage.

Speech by Wilfrid Foo, CEO of Cycle & Carriage during the Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru showroom launch

Speaking at the launch, Dr  Claus Weidner, President & CEO of Mercedes-Benz Malaysia, said, “The futureof automotive retail represented here is a concept that weaves the key elements of our design philosophy –sensual purity and spaciousness; it is more than just architecture. It creates an experience that seamlesslyblends simplicity and craftsmanship that are unique to the brand.”

Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru is the largest autohaus in the southern region, with a built- up areameasuring a massive 142,000 square feet over a land area of 224,000 square feet. The Autohaus ismeticulously developed with state-of-the-art technology and presents a contemporary retail experience thataddresses the customer’s individual needs.

As you enter, a completely redesigned entrance acts as an experiential gateway into the world ofMercedes-Benz where every customer is welcomed with a personal touch of hospitality by a StarAssistant. Customers are then invited to explore freely and fully immerse themselves in a journeyacross various touch points supported by digital tools and the latest in multimedia. This new retailexperience allows for more face-time interactions between customers and the service team for a deeperdiscovery into the brand, and gives customers a unique experience of luxury, transforming it from a point of sales to a point of experience.

Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru at No. 102, Batu 5 1/2, Jalan Skudai, Tampoi, Johor Bahru

Designed with a large open space and supplemented with custom daylight-emitting spotlights allows thecustomer to experience the true colours of the cars, all intentionally arranged in an arc to maximisevisibility of every model displayed. Various seating and discussion locations in open, semi-private or privateareas help facilitate individual consultations, whether it’s for sales or service. Complete with a well-stocked hospitality lounge and a merchandise area, the Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru Autohaus is truly an experience of luxury without compromise.

Even beginning the journey of owning a Mercedes-Benz is an experience of its own. Designed as a“black box” concept, the vehicle delivery room enables an experience- oriented journey of the handoverprocess that is personal and memorable. The experience provides the spark that seeds the beginning of anew relationship as the new Mercedes-Benz vehicle is unveiled to its new owner for the first time.

Apart from the enhanced showroom, the Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru Autohaus is also home to the onlyaccredited and authorised Mercedes-Benz Certified Body & Paint Centre in the Southern region, equippedwith the latest automotive innovation and technologies, as well as expertise to conduct structural repairs onMercedes-Benz vehicles while upholding global safety standards to provide customers with peace ofmind. With the ability to service 850 cars a month from 35 work bays, coupled with their Drop & Go and Door-to-Door servicing, customers can expect convenience and quick turnaround time in getting theirMercedes-Benz serviced.

Display of Mercedes-Benz vehicles at the Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru showroom

“With three upgraded autohaus and a fourth one by the end of the year, we believe our customers willappreciate the luxurious experience, advancements and services that contribute to our guiding promise ofproviding an exceptional journey for all current and future Mercedes-Benz owners,” continued Wilfrid Foo,CEO of Cycle & Carriage.

The newly enhanced Cycle & Carriage Johor Bahru Autohaus is located at No. 102, Batu 5 1/2, JalanSkudai, Tampoi, Johor Bahru. For appointments, please call 1800-22-8000.