Johor Bahru Happy and Joyous Club (JBHJC), 2014’s Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA) winner in the category of ‘Social Innovator’, celebrated Teacher’s Day online with a special appearance of the Laughing Yoga founder, Dr Madan Kataria and his wife, Madhuri Kataria on 16th May 2021 connecting teachers through laughter. Joined by participants worldwide, the event opened with a welcoming address by JBHJC’s president, Lina Lim.
“What we are today is due to our teacher’s guidance and love so we must appreciate our teachers,” she said, leaving her remarks of gratitude to Dr Madan Kataria, the laughing yoga instructors as well as the educators that were present during the 45 minutes session and made a special mention to Fung Lee Jean, member of JBHJC, a laughing yoga instructor and also an IMSHA winner in Human Empowerment (individual) category.
Madhuri Kataria in her joint-address with Dr Kataria mentioned that mothers are the first teachers that taught us first how to function as a human since birth, as well as instilling values within us. Formal education teachers then came into our lives to educate us to become a successful person to help us pursue our ambitions in life. Dr Kataria, said that Madhuri has said everything that he had in mind then proceeded to hold a special laughing yoga session together with the participants for 10 minutes.
Activities then included an appreciation video for teachers, poetry reading, laughter yoga exercises, dancing, singing and games before the session ended. Three teachers, Serena, Bachan and Esther Gan shared memorable stories during their time of teaching.
Every day, JBHJC conducts a Zoom laughing yoga practise. Participants who are interested in participating may contact the club via their Facebook page to attend their session or to arrange their own private session.