Soroptimist International: A Global Voice for Women & Children


Soroptimist International (SI) is the oldest and largest women’s organisation to date. 96 years of service throughout the world through 90,000 members in 3100 clubs in 132 countries. Soroptimist International has been a global voice for women and children through Awareness, Advocacy and Action – a non party political and non sectarian serving the world irrelevant of race creed and religion.

Members are encouraged to be aware of and involved in the issues of society. Therefore, a soroptimist is an active participant in decision making at all levels of society bringing about international goodwill and understanding

Soroptimist International of Johor Bahru (SIJB) was chartered in the year 2000, officiated by the Yang Mulia Tunku Besar, Tengku Zabedah bte Sultan Mahmud Iskandar. SIJB is part of the Soroptimist International Region of Malaysia – SIROM, and for nearly 19 years, they have been actively undertaking projects to raise awareness to the society.

One of their projects was the ‘Project ABCs – Literacy Programme for the Refugees’. As SIJB is an Implemented Partner with The UN High Commission for Refugees, they had started a School for Refugees (basically the Rohingyas) back in 2007 with as little as RM1500.

SIJB is the first Malaysian organisation to bring literacy to the refugees.

In Johor, another active SIROM is the Soroptomist International Iskandar Puteri (SIIP), under the guidance of its President, Nooraini bt Dato’ Mohd Yasin, who in her stride has organised many programmes in Johor including rendering their assistance and services to schools and shelter homes.

Both SIJB and SIIP and its members have always worked steadily all these years and would like welcome more women and girls to come out and work together in friendship and sisterhood to better the communities for generations to come.

To learn more about Soroptimist International/SIROM or if you want to be a part of it, logon to or contact Nora Lea at 012-7354406 or email to join the Soroptomist International Iskandar Puteri.