MIDA Partners With Local Universities to Drive Industry 4.0

Preparing the leaders of tomorrow with the skill sets that will be essential for their future

Through this strategic partnership, the Government anticipates a more skilled and diverse Malaysian workforce (image for illustration purposes only)

The Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) for the implementation of the MIDA Assessment Development Centre (MADC) HyTalent Programme.

The signing ceremony was witnessed by Dato’ Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali, Senior Minister and Minister of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

“The MADC HyTalent Programme embodies the Twelfth Malaysian Plan (12MP) roadmap to develop and equip future talent with Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) skill sets that are important for them to keep pace with the rapid changes in technological advancement and meet industry demands. Through this strategic partnership, the Government anticipates a more skilled and diverse Malaysian workforce, particularly in the manufacturing sector as the Programme is uniquely structured to provide trainees with an intensive leadership and technical training in the field of Internet of Things (IoT) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT),” said Azmin Ali.

The MADC HyTalent Programme syllabus is established in collaboration with local universities together with international and local industry players to bridge the gap between the supply of local engineers and the demand of the industry, especially in the field of IoT and IIOT. It comprises a 6-month live-in pilot programme combined with a 6-month internship duration to develop fresh graduates in structured leadership and technical training to meet the needs of Malaysia’s industries.

Mohamed Azmin Ali further added, “The MADC HyTalent Programme anticipates to train 500 trainees in the field of IoT and IIOT to be employed at participating Malaysian companies with a higher than average compensation or salary after graduation. This is a testament to the Government’s continuous focus on creating high-value jobs to ensure Malaysians reap the long-term benefits of investments in the country, in tandem to enhancing the overall industry’s ecosystem to drive sustainable economic growth on the road to recovery post-COVID-19.”

The Programme is approved under the special COVID-19 Fund (Kumpulan Wang Covid19 (2021 – 2022) by the Government to stimulate Malaysia’s current economy amidst the pandemic, with special emphasis on addressing unemployment.

MIDA Chief Executive Officer, Arham Abdul Rahman iterated, “At MIDA, we have always highly valued public-private partnerships. Therefore, we are excited to partner with UKM, UTM and UPM for the implementation of the MADC HyTalent Programme, whereby these reputable universities will provide the much-needed personnel equipped suitably with the relevant qualifications and experience to support our fresh graduates. This is to groom future leaders with the essential talents of technical and soft skills as required by the industry.”

“MIDA, under the stewardship of MITI will also continue in our mandate to facilitate high- technology, knowledge-based and capital-intensive investments that generate multiplier effects on Malaysia’s economy, including generating quality jobs. We hope that this will ultimately contribute towards increasing the country’s productivity, efficiency and global competitiveness as an investment destination regardless of the global economic sentiments,” he added.