Johor Aid and Social Assistance (JASA), a union of 4 non-government organisations (NGO) comprising of Sooriya Udhayam Malaysia (SUM), Yayasan Kebajikan Suria, Persatuan Kebajikan Wawasan JB and Ihsan Johor shared with The Iskandarian the struggles they have been through, especially during this pandemic when Movement Control Order (MCO) took place earlier this year and how that brought them together for even greater good.
During a handover event organised by SUM involving groceries worth of RM200 each to 170 families and RM1000 worth of business loans to 50 aspiring entrepreneurs that were either laid off from their jobs or simply to feed their family through small businesses, James Ho of Yayasan Suria said that the loans would be paid back and create funds to help more people.

The event was officiated by ADUN Tenggaroh and Special Officer of Menteri Besar Johor, Raven Kumar. “COVID-19 pandemic situation is new to everyone, even to NGOs who were not being paid and still managed to continue helping others despite being unfamiliar with the situation,” he said in his speech.
Farrah Faridah Baptist, CEO of Ihsan Johor and Lydia Goh, Counsellor to Pertubuhan Kebajikan Wawasan JB said they first met during the MCO while on the move to provide hot food and groceries to affected homes. There are several instances that all of the volunteers can agree are similar experiences.

Turning the aid they sent as a viral social media post
SUM’s Chairman, S. Kumanan said he drove a lorry full of perishable items like vegetables for the needy homes. However, the turn of events is that social media posts about how the donated items are not fresh were made viral in the internet overnight, making the society question the sincerity of donors and volunteers.
Complaints on being ‘bias’
Lydia said, they thought of how it might bore people to eat the same food every day so they took the time to mix out the variation of food. “Funny thing is, they thought we were being biased by giving their neighbours’ eggs while they don’t get them.” So her volunteers provide the same, uniformed food for everyone to prevent “unfair treatment”.

Yes. People steal aids. Farrah gave an example of a situation that happened to James, where he had placed bulk of items for a few minutes to settle some urgent matters and it was gone when he went back to get them. Even with ‘charity’ emblazoned on the bulk, people would still take it thinking of it as free items to take even if it was meant for people who have less to live on.
Unfortunately, some people lie their way to get their hands on aids that are meant for people who have less to nothing. “They usually stutter whilst explaining their situation and it’s the easiest give away of their lies,” shared Farrah.
Don’t be greedy and be a kind human being instead and think if your situation is worse than others. To assist, find the multiracial union of NGOs on Facebook Sooriya Udhayam Malaysia, , Yayasan Kebajikan Suria JB, Ihsan Johor Rangers and for Pertubuhan Kebajikan Wawasan JB – Life Link Community Care, call 07 – 355 5387 to connect with them for any charitable purpose.