Your Safety is our Priority

Paradigm Mall, Johor Bahru to provide security escorts for women ensuring their safety and security

A security guard is seen escorting a shopper to her vehicle

In most people’s minds especially women, safety and security is vital. There is always a nagging worry when we have to park at a spot further than we had anticipated, and we can’t help but feel a little extra cautious of the surroundings to avoid something untoward to happen.

Women shoppers and women with young children can now shop in comfort and convenience at Paradigm Mall, Johor Bahru (PMJB). The mall has recently launched its security escort services for women so that they can enjoy a safe shopping experience.

Selena Chua, CEO, Retail of WCT Malls said, “We at WCT malls are constantly upgrading our security measures as the safety of our shoppers, tenants and employees is our highest priority. We urge our women shoppers to use the services of our security personnel if they desire so after their post dinner, movie or shopping in the mall, especially at night as they are professionally trained to handle tough situations.”

The availability of the security escorts for women is one of the many initiatives undertaken by the mall to ensure a safer environment for women to shop. PMJB has put in place several precautionary measures such as top of round-the-clock CCTV surveillance, help buttons and security personnel patrolling the mall to prevent any incidents.

All shoppers are requested to contact the security escorts for any help or concerns while visiting the mall at +607-2313999. So stay worry free but vigilant.