Working from Home – What’s Your Set Up?

WFH, Stay at Home are the latest in-thing

Work From Home

Working from home (WFH) is the new normal for many of us during the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) season as we continue to WhatsApp, Skype, WebEx, and Zoom into each other’s homes while closely observing the #stayhome #dudukrumah order.

Working from home can be productive, or it can open us up to distractions. Some tips to create a conducive work from home environment:-

  • Carve out a work space, it might be a special chair or even a spot at the kitchen table
  • Tidy the area around it up to reduce distractions
  • Collect and arrange the essentials that you need for your daily work
  • Be close to a power point for quick charging
  • Ensure enough light to reduce strain on eyes
  • Use headphones to reduce external noise
  • Let the family or housemates know that this is your workspace; ask children to respect your space
  • Shift to another work from home space if you need a change of scene, for example move from the living room to the kitchen

By now you may have had a sneak peek into the work from home set-ups of your colleagues and business partners. We asked the team from About Communication to share their work from home set-ups.

What is your work from home set-up?

On the Run Setup

The artistic set-up, large screen for detailed work

Dual screen set-up with more snacks!

A dresser converted into a work from home set-up.

Multi-device set-up on bed– only for those with the willpower to not fall asleep!

Cosy and cocooned, and with a stash of bread ready for snacking!

Simple setup at balcony, close to nature with natural light.

A neat and tidy work desk allow us to work efficiently and keeps us productive.

Sofa work set-up with reading light.


Continue with the social distancing. Wash hands frequently with soap, disinfect regularly used surfaces, sneeze or cough into your elbow, dispose of used tissue paper responsibly, and use a mask if heading out. And most importantly – #StayAtHome / #DudukRumahDiamDiam.

Share your work from home set-up as you help to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of Covid-19. Use the hashtag #wfhsetup and tag us @_aboutcom in Instagram and in Facebook.