What Would 96% of Johor Have Soon?

Johor Digital
First Majlis Digital Johor (Johor Digital Council) (Image courtesy of Hasni Mohamad’s FB page)

On 19th November 2020, the first meeting of Johor Digital Council (Majlis Digital Johor), composed of government and industry players for the state of Johor to coordinate digital policies between the state government and the federal government had taken place here.

Chaired by Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir. Hasni Mohamad, the objectives of the council were shared via a virtual press conference at the Menteri Besar Office with reporters. Among them are:

Johor’s Development of Digital Ecosystem

The development of an efficient digital ecosystem in Johor needs a reliable data-based infrastructure and government policies and all the benefits that come with this digital power.

Digital Economic Prospects

In the digital era, the state government should seek alternative economic activities and make them a potential source of income for the state government.

Through the National Digital Network Plan (JENDELA) programme for more internet coverage in Johor, the state government is looking into developing Johor’s digital and telecommunication infrastructure more aggressively. 96% of areas in Johor are targeted to be equipped with telecommunication infrastructure.

Johor Digital Blueprint

A Johor Digital Blueprint has been developed by the council, which will be completed in the next three to four months.

“Until now, the percentage of internet coverage and infrastructure facilities in the state has reached 91 to 92%. We are confident that with more investments to be carried out, especially in the rural areas of the state, we will achieve the target of 96%,” he said.

It is said that the blueprint will be refined later involving joint-cooperation with the Ministry of Housing and Local Government (KPKT) for the execution of the infrastructure.

“The Johor state government will ensure that developers can make communication infrastructure an important infrastructure in addition to existing utilities such as electricity and water,” he said.