What Happens When You Travel Virtually?

Muzium Tokoh Johor (Johor Figure Museum)

We have had our fill on the western world’s museums that are available for a virtual tour, how about the one in our homeland – Johor? Heard of the standing keris mystery? Do you know what a Graflex Compact camera aged 115 years old looks like?

All those are among the various historical artefacts and cultural heritage found at the Museum of Figures, Kota Tinggi Museum and Mersing Museum, in Johor.

The Johor Heritage Foundation (YWJ) initiative has created a ‘virtual museum’ to give a different angle for the wanderlust, and some of the artefacts are already online in social media platforms including Instagram, Facebook, websites and YouTube.

YWJ director, Sharil Nizam Abdul Rahim said the idea of producing video of artefacts, weaving art, Johor figures and dishes began since the implementation of the Movement Control Order (MCO) in March.

Collection of old artefacts

The video is part of the materials on display from three museums and galleries operating under YWJ, namely the Museum of Figures, Kota Tinggi Museum and Mersing Museum.

“Only selected artefacts are on display because most of the artefacts are over 100 years old and have a high aesthetic value and have not been released yet,” said Sharil.

Museum of Figures

Museum of Figures in Johor Bahru has videos of three Johor figures that have contributed in various fields.

Among them, veteran composer, Johor maestro, the late Omar Taib in the 1970s era and quite synonymous with the continuous fresh song “Rindu Bayangan” sung by Carefree, as well as the Raya song sung by Aman Shah entitled “Kepulangan Yang Dinanti”.

The video of the Johor writing artist, the late Mohammad @ Mokhtar Talib or better known as Pak Matlab, was an expert in Jawi writing until he was named the ‘Jawi Fighting Figure 2008’.

Pak Matlab produces more than 400 books in various fields, especially in Jawi and children’s writing.

Johor Weaving Gallery

For the Johor Weaving Gallery, there is a video of Johor Yarn fabric, which is a woven Johor patterned Muar woven patented under the Malaysian Intellectual Property Corporation (MyIPO).

YWJ is currently researching some artefacts for video production to give viewers a real picture. Sharil Nizam said, among them 300-year-old mace from the 13th century used by maritime pilots.

“This mace was among the artefacts found. In addition to spear points, dagger points and cannons found along the Johor Kota Tinggi River, in 1996 during archaeological studies. We will also produce a video on gambus seludang belonging to Pak Lomak”, added Sharil.

In order to start your virtual journey, visit www.ywj.gov.my. Also check out their social media for more videos, facts and information:

Instagram: yayasanwarisanjohor

YouTube: Yayasan Warisan Johor

Facebook: YayasanWarisanJohor