VTL between Malaysia and Singapore Reopens

What is the catch? Read on to know more

CIQ during MCO - Image by Kyaizee Mohd

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has agreed to reinstate the Vaccinated Travel Lane (VTL), which was closed from the 23rd of December to the 20th of January 2022.

The MOH said in a statement that the VTL land and air schemes will resume today, the 21st of January 2022.

“MOH wishes to notify the public that bus and air tickets for both VTL initiatives have restarted from today onwards.”

However, for air and land travel, the country would halve the ticket quota.

“Increase in ticket quotas will be subject to risk evaluations as the COVID-19 situation in both countries improves,” he said.

Passengers who purchased tickets for travel after the 20th of January 2022 and did so before the suspension of travel was announced will be allowed to travel based on the quotas in place before the announcement was made.

“MOH wishes to remind all VTL travellers to do a personal RTK-Ag antigen test on the second, fourth and sixth day after arrival and a professional RTK-Ag test on the third and fifth days of arrival.

“We ask all travellers to be responsible and adhere to the SOPs in place to reduce the risk of infection,” they added.

After Singapore detected a COVID-19 cluster involving the highly transmissible Omicron strain, Malaysian airlines and bus companies were forced to temporarily halt selling tickets to Singapore under the VTL programme.

Malaysia and Singapore launched the VTL programme for land and air travel in November 2021.