The Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2024 Will Be Held in the USA

The world’s best Duelists will converge in Seattle on 7-8 September


Konami Digital Entertainment Limited (KONAMI) has announced that the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship(WCS 2024) will be held in United States. The prestigious World Championship will bring challengers from across the globe to Seattle, Washington on 7-8 September 2024 for two days of captivating first-class Dueling.

The Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship (WCS) 2024 will feature separate tournaments in four categories for the first time ever. They include tournaments for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME (OCG/TCG), Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL, and two different formats for Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS. One of the Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS format will be for SPEED DUEL format as per previous WCS events. The additional Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS format will be for RUSH DUEL format, the new gameplay format introduced to the title in September 2023.

The detail on the World Championship Qualifier (WCQ) the Asia will be released on the Yu-Gi-Oh Asia official Facebook: /

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