Sunway City Iskandar Puteri Brings Raya Cheer to Underprivileged Communities

Over 2,000 beneficiaries to benefit from SCIP’s initiative across Johor


Sunway Group continues their Raya Cheer outreach through the Sunway City Iskandar Puteri (SCIP) team by distributing bubur lambuk to the B40 community at Masjid Kota Iskandar, Iskandar Puteri, touching the lives of 2,000 beneficiaries under the #SunwayforGood umbrella, the Group’s corporate responsibility efforts that pledges to promote sustainability efforts and social inclusion through three areas namely education, healthcare and community enrichment, aligned with Sunway’s commitment to advance the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Considered a Ramadan tradition, the nutritious meal was prepared by chefs from Sunway Hotel Big Box, which was then distributed by the Sunway team alongside its partners, Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) and Yayasan Zarith Sofiah. Dato’ Haji Mohd Haffiz Bin Haji Ahmad, Mayor of Iskandar Puteri, Gerard Soosay, Chief Executive Officer of SCIP, Dato’ Hj Mohd Rashidi bin Hj Mohd Noor, Deputy Chairman of MRC National Committee for Community Services, Rohazam Shah bin Ahmad and Fundraising and Development Senior General Manager of Yayasan Raja Zarith Sofiah of Johor Foundation (YRZSNJ) attended the event.

According to Gerard Soosay, this initiative is in line with Sunway’s full embrace of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which includes SDG 1 core principle of leaving no one behind.

“We hope our efforts can help those less fortunate to celebrate this joyous ocassion with the peace and comfort that each and every one of us deserves,” said Gerard.

“While family and friends got an opportunity to gather and balik kampung for this year’s festivities, we must also remember to include those in the underprivileged communities as these times can often be lonely as daily struggles persist. As such, it makes perfect sense, for Sunway, MRC and YRZSNJ to join hands in bringing relief to communities where food security is uncertain.”

Apart from bubur lambuk, Sunway is also contributing one month’s worth of groceries to 200 participants from Adab Youth Garage (AYG), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) that develops youth and local community centres for marginalised youths and families of People Living with HIV (PLHIV), in collaboration with Sunway’s long-term partner, Malaysian AIDS Foundation (MAF). Expanding Sunway’s reach to as many communities as possible, SCIP is also distributing packaged meals to orphanages across Johor.

“Together with our Sunway team across the nation, we are dedicated to bringing positive impact to as many individuals as possible especially to the underprivileged community – for we care and stay with our communities for generations.”

Meanwhile, Sunway City Iskandar Puteri, as well as other Sunway business divisions across the nation are joining hands to ensure Sunway’s rice ATM vending machines are never empty to aid those in need this festive season.

Since its inception, #SunwayforGood has touched many lives of over half a million beneficiaries and aimed to further positively impact millions across the country. In the lead up to its 50th anniversary in 2024, Sunway has also embarked on a mission to fulfil four pledges – building and refurbishing at least 50 libraries through the Sunway READ (Reading Enhances Aspiration and Drive) programme, packing a total of one million meals for undernourished communities, setting up 50 urban farms for 50 orphanages, and providing basic health screening in partnership with the National Kidney Foundation for 50 Orang Asal communities.