Sleep Deprived?

Having a sleep problem? It may have to do with excess exposure to light

Working from Home (WFH) and attending school at home online are part of the new norms that was introduced since the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was enforced last year to curb the COVID-19 virus which is a world phenomenon. While it seems easier to attend work and school without the daily commute, new problems arose as local news reported a rising number of primary school students having a hard time sleeping including working adults who are sleep deprived.

Significant changes to every day routines for individuals of all ages and walks of life may find it difficult to adapt to a new daily schedule, according to SleepFoundation.Org. Being trapped at home with low natural light levels can reduce wakefulness and sleep light-based signals, known as zeitgebers which are crucial to our circadian rhythm.

Here are a few tips that we have picked up to help you sleep better and recharge your physical self for a clearer mind to sort things out for you.

Ensure the Right Lighting

The best way to fix your sleep schedule is to make your body clock recognise circadian rhythm according to time. When it is daytime, natural sunlight penetrates your home (if you’re lucky) or else use adequate lights where possible and when evening draws in, slowly dim lights and that includes using less lights-blaring gadgets like phones. Best if you keep your phones away when it is bedtime as sleeping in total darkness at night helps your body make more melatonin so you get drowsy easier.

Separate Work and Resting Areas at Home

Strictly use your bed as a resting place so your body recognises it as a place to sleep. If you have to work sitting on the bed, be sure to make the bed feel a little different for sleeping purposes like adding relaxing scents of Lavender essential oil or change the pillow and wrap yourself in a blanket. Changing to cooler temperature when you sleep is effective too.

Stop Day Naps

Save your quality sleep for nighttime even when you are so tired in the day. If you have to take a nap, make it a power one for 30 – 45 minutes, and do it before 3pm to not disrupt your mind and body’s resting time by bedtime.

Time Your Meals Correctly

Eat all your meals on time. Late night snacking would disrupt your sleeping time as the body takes it that you need time to digest them. The best time to eat is at least 3 hours before hitting the sack. Avoid stimulants like caffeinated coffee and tea, and try to not eat food that is heavy to digest like high-fat food or complex carbs.

Do you have an effective schedule and quarantine habit that helps you to stay active? Share with us in the comments.

**The facts and views expressed are solely that of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of the editorial board.