PT3 Abolishment: 4 Things to Know

Why did it get abolished and what replaces the examination? Find all that you need to know here

Senior Minister of Education Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin during the announcement on FB Live

The Form Three Assessment (PT3) assessment which was launched in 2014 would be abolished this year, according to Senior Minister of Education Datuk Dr Radzi Jidin.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the national examination was cancelled earlier in 2020 and 2021.

What Would Replace PT3?

The Ministry of Education (MoE), according to Radzi, would improve the School-Based Assessment (PBS), which consists of three parts: classroom assessment (PBD), physical, sports, and curricular activities evaluation (PAJSK), and psychometric assessment (PPsi).

“Even though there is no central assessment (PT3), Form One, Two and Three students will sit for the end-of-year test using the question bank provided by the MoE for all subjects,” he said at a media conference to announce the PT3 abolishment which was broadcasted live on the Ministry of Education’s Facebook.

Formative and Summative Assessment

PBD, according to Radzi, will introduce formative and summative assessments, as well as strengthen teacher and administrator training programmes to improve the implementation of continuous assessments (formative) in schools.

Meanwhile, with the implementation of more flexible exams, the summative evaluations are targeted at strengthening the academic session’s final examinations for all subjects at the secondary level, he said.

Final tests or summative evaluations for Form One, Two, and Three students, according to Radzi, will be implemented for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Who Will do the Questions?

The MOE will create questions for the summative tests for Bahasa Malaysia, English, Mathematics, Science, and History for Years Four, Five, and Six primary students in the 2022/2023 academic session, according to Radzi.

“Exams questions for other subjects for these students will be prepared by teachers,” he added.

PBD reporting, according to Radzi, will be done extensively twice a year; in the middle and at the end of the academic session, utilising comprehensive and precise descriptors for each competence level (TP1-TP6), as well as reviews from class and subject teachers.

Would This Change Special School’s Requirements?

Radzi noted that Form Four students who want to enrol in special schools will have to take a separate assessment called the Special School Admission Assessment (PKSK).

He indicated that in conventional schools, stream selection (Science or Arts) for Form Four pupils will be based on discussions with teachers, students, and parents, as well as PBD reports.

Fully residential schools (SBP), National Religious Secondary Schools (SMKA), Technical Secondary Schools (SMT), Vocational Colleges (KV), and Royal Military College (MTD) are all instances of special schools.