Post COVID-19 Employment Issues to be Tackled

Benefiting both passive unemployment and graduates without a job in the state

The state government is looking into training more entrepreneurship-based human capitals through Johor Human Capital Accelerators Committee

Johor state government through Johor Strategic Human Capital Unit (SMI) are creating more employment opportunities as well as producing more skilled and competitive human capital post COVID-19 by forming the Johor Human Capital Accelerators Committee.

According to Johor Investment, Entrepreneur Development, Cooperative and Human Resource Committee chairman, Datuk Mohd Izhar Ahmad, the state government is also planning for the concentration of new industry sectors. They include industries based on Future Emerging Technology (FET), the Internet of Things (IoT) and creative industries, where skilled manpower born from these sectors will not be completely reliant on employment opportunities or employers; instead, they will have the option to enter the field of entrepreneurship.

He also stated the ongoing initiatives under the Johor Human Capital Agenda like the Johor Career Programme, Johor Skills Training Programme (MAHIR JOHOR) and Skilled Manpower Certification Programme.

This programme is a collaboration between the SMI Unit and the Skills Development Department under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia. This programme is implemented to help experienced workers, especially retrenched workers, obtain the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) Level 2 or 3 for career advancement and new jobs.

The government is also actively pursuing strategic partnerships with related agencies and institutions such as IRDA, IIB, Educity, Johor Petroleum Development Corporation (JPDC), Johor Skills Development Center, Akademi Binaan Malaysia (ABM) and several other institutions both public or private higher education for that purpose.

Among the programmes that have been and are being implemented as a result of this joint venture are the Upskilling & Re-Skilling Programme with IRDA, IIB, Johor Skills, Iskandar Apprentice Programme with EduCity, Skills Enhancement Programme in the Oil and Gas Sector (SOGA) with JPDC and others.