Strengthening the Future Generation through Young Female Bootcamp


Young Women Bootcamp by the Women Development Unit (JPW) encourages young ladies to climb on that leadership ladder

Listen up young females of Johor, it is time to nurture and polish your leadership skills through the Young Women Bootcamp programme. Organised by the Women Development Unit (JPW) of Johor, the first programme is now open for registration to all women between ages of 20 to 30 years old. The programme aims to aid young women to develop and further enhance their knowledge and technique in effective leadership.

State Women and Tourism Development Committee chairman, Liow Cai Tung, said she hopes that the bootcamp would bring out the leaders in young females as the programme includes organisation communication, ICT literacy and gender awareness that would be of help for participants.

“Women have their own set of challenges and this programme is one of the best platforms to train and prepare young women to face them,” said Liow.

Around 50 applicants from private and public tertiary institutes including NGOs are expected to join in the programme.

Running from 24th to 26th of October 2019 from Thursday to Saturday, it will take place in UTM, Skudai and it is free of charge.

For registration and enquiries please contact JPW at 07-224 2299.