The state government to train and offer initiatives to the youths
“The state government is giving its full commitment in the effort to ensure the number of unemployment in Johor stays at the lowest every year by offering different initiatives that would aid in creating quality, and job offers, especially for the youths of Johor,” Tuan Haji Aminolhuda as Education, Human Resources, Science and Technology Chairman said in the National Dual Training System (NDTS) Offer Letter Awarding at Johor Strategic Human Capital Unit (Unit Strategik Modal Insan Johor).
NDTS is an industry-oriented training programme that combines workplace and institutional training where trainees would experience 70% hands on training within the industry and 20%-30% learning at the training institutions. At its inaugural, the programme targets secondary school graduates, youths with no skills’ certification or employees in certain industries. The effort through Johor Strategic Human Capital Unit (Unit SMI) is to cultivate and certify the target group of people and training centres and localised industries are encouraged to join in the NDTS effort under the Department of Skills Development (JPK).

9 institutions were present to receive the offer letter for the first 105 trainees that would join in the programme through their centres. The training institutions cover 6 industries such as food preparation and production, automotives after sales, industrial sewing machine operation, makeup artistry, aesthetic service and hairdressing. Trainees would receive incentives for their participation of 6-8 months and the first batch of graduation will complete their training in the month of October 2019.