Minister of Economy: 17.65Mill (58.7%) Citizen Profiles Have been Updated in the Integrated System

Citizens who have not registered will be referred to their current administrative data


As everyone is aware, PADU registration was closed at 11:59 pm, 31 March 2024. I would like to say well done and congratulate the PADU system development team at the Ministry of Economy, Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM), National Digital Department, Ministry of Communications, and other agencies involved in the successful implementation of PADU.

A high and unwavering commitment was shown by the PADU team since the first day of registration, until it was closed.

A total of 11.55 million (52.6%) citizens over the age of 18 have successfully registered and updated their personal profiles in the PADU system, making 17.65 million (58.7%) of the people’s profiles, including household members under 18, successfully updated in the PADU system.

The breakdown of registration by state is as follows:

The Ministry of Economy will next present the subsidy retargeting plan to the cabinet in April. Any announcement regarding this matter, will be made by the government in the future.

For citizens who have not successfully registered and updated their profile at PADU, the available administrative data is sufficient, and will be used by the government to determine individual eligibility for the purpose of retargeting subsidies.

If there is a need, the Ministry of Economy will announce the reopening of PADU for a short period of time for registration and updating after the government decides on the form and mechanism of targeted subsidies.

Rafizi Ramli

1 April 2024