‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’

Tokyo-based alt-pop singer-songwriter, Sarina's latest single has been released


‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’ is the answer song to Sarina’s ‘憂鬱な道’ (Yuu-utsu na Michi, meaning Melancholy Roads in English) which was released in January 2023. Where ‘憂鬱な道 (Melancholy Roads)’ was written in Japanese with the intention of following one’s dreams and persevering in the face of loneliness, ‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’ is about realising no one is alone on this journey after all.

Where ‘憂鬱な道 (Melancholy Roads)’ was written in Japanese with the intention of following one’s dreams and persevering in the face of loneliness, ‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’ is about realising no one is alone on this journey after all. With lyrics written fully English, the stirring ballad showcases Sarina’s stripped back vocals from intense, low tones to soaring high tones. Inviting and lovingly, the melody of ‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’ also incorporates the melody of ‘憂鬱な道 (Melancholy Roads)’ to capture the hearts of listeners with its classical and memorable melody line.

Tokyo-based half Japanese and Lebanese Alt-Pop Starlet Sarina, is known to weave compelling narratives with thoughtful and vivid lyrics which are based on her own experiences and candidly expressed real emotion. Fueled by a passion for self-expression, Sarina is a multi-faceted artist who is continuously on the road to discovery and creation, already establishing her own genre-less, borderless musical skills and creativity, which she applies to her own artistic activities. As with all aspects of her music, including the artwork and music video, produced under Sarina’s creative direction, the result is a cohesive experience that embodies Sarina’s personality on all levels.

Currently based in Tokyo, Sarina started out releasing original music on Instagram. Hitting over 2.3 million views with 1 video, her follower count increased from 13.6K to 165K organically within just two weeks after that. To date, Sarina’s social media following has grown to 220,000 followers. Since then, Sarina has been steadily garnering world wide attention from Asia, US and UK as a musician, as well as increased activity as a model and influencer.

The accompanying music video has just been released. It starts as a continuation of the ‘憂鬱な道 (Melancholy Roads)’ music video and features Sarina running away into a deserted theatre. Hauntingly beautiful, Sarina is seen from playing on a solo piano to no audience, to playing with a string quartet to a crowded theatre as the song progresses, only to reach the realisation that she is not alone anymore.

Watch ‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’
Listen to ‘Melancholy Roads (No More)’