MCO-COVID-19: Latest Update around Johor

Get updated on disinfecting works, quarantine centres and essential goods pricing

Johor KPDNHEP officers are checking price of goods frequently (File picture)

Since the Movement Control Order (MCO) that was enforced on 18th March 2020, Johor has recorded a total of 97.25% of MCO obedience up to the 10th of April 2020. The MCO has now been extended till 28th April 2020 from the original 14th of April in order to break the COVID-19 chain as advised by the Ministry of Health (MOH).

Vidyanathan Ramanadhan, Chairman of the Health & Environmental Committee of Johor state through his press release dated 11th April 2020, pleaded to the people to be patient by staying at home until the chain of COVID-19 is broken fully or the curve is flattened.

He reported that the Fire and Rescue Department of Johor has recently started general COVID-19 disinfecting works in all Johor districts and joining the force were Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation (SWCorp), Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), The People’s Volunteer Corps (RELA), SWM Environment Sdn Bhd, Local Governments (PBT) and Johor Health Department.

The disinfecting work begun on 28th March until 10th April, running from 9am to late at night, covering 520 locations including the premises of different businesses.

As of 10th April, 8pm, Johor has activated 24 quarantine stations with the capacity of 3,874 people and 2,082 of them are occupied, leaving a total of 1,792 places available. Quarantine centres would be open accordingly and timely.

Meanwhile, 200 officers from the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) were deployed to all districts in Johor to have a check on essential goods’ pricing since the 18th of March and are still ongoing on a daily basis. 1,430 businesses made of 1,300 grocers, 86 main wholesalers and 44 manufacturers went through the check as of 8th April 2020.

An offense of taking unreasonably high profit will be reported and taken into action under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 for profiteering during the time of MCO. As of recent, essential goods’ price are under control and supplies are enough and accessible for everyone in Johor.