Home NEWS MBJB Peels Off Eatery’s Exterior and Interior

MBJB Peels Off Eatery’s Exterior and Interior

Enforcement Action on 12th November 2020

Johor Bahru City Council (MBJB) had taken note and leapt into action of a viral issue on social media regarding a food premise in Taman Mount Austin, Johor Bahru, which displayed elements of communism on its billboards as well as the interior decoration of the said premise.

  1. Non-Approved Billboard

The food premises was inspected by MBJB on 29th December 2019 and they found that there were 2 billboards of the said business where one billboard has been approved but, the additional billboard has violated the Licencing of Advertisement (JBCC) By-Laws 2010 7 (1) for advertisements that do not have a valid license from MBJB.

  1. Advertisements Used Are Against the Malaysian Culture

On 12th November 2020, a follow-up monitoring found that the billboards of the business premises that had been notified for non-compliance were still not rectified by the owners of the said premise. Notice of non-compliance of billboards was also issued by the MBJB Licensing Department on 9th December 2020 under the Advertising License By-Laws (MBJB) 2010, 20 (g) which is advertisements that does not reflect the culture and way of life of the Malaysian society.

MBJB taking off the billboard

Through further follow-up monitoring on 3rd January 2021 conducted by the MBJB, it was found that the owner of the premise had placed a different billboard of his business premises using an advertisement that was approved by Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (DBP).

Enforcement Action on 4th January 2021

Inspections also found that the business premises were not operating and were in the process of renovation. No communist-shaped advertisements and the likes were found in the premises but on the 4th of January 2021, the MBJB had to remove the premise’s latest billboard because it still contained the element of 1 star logo which is a symbol of communism and is against the Malaysian law and culture.

  1. Billboard’s Approval

Business premises’ owners must comply with existing rules, including passing the screening from DBP and the Royal Malaysian Police. Citizens are advised to channel information or complaints to MBJB if there are other displays that showcases elements of communism or disrupting the peace of the community.

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