Marlborough College Malaysia – Boarding Schools’ Association Awards Finalists 2021

The College is elated to have been shortlisted as a finalist in three Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) awards for 2021


The Boarding Schools’ Association (BSA) represents the world’s leading boarding schools throughout the UK and internationally, provides staff training and promotes a boarding education. The annual awards are a chance to celebrate the achievements, hard work, and dedication of boarding schools worldwide and Marlborough College Malaysia (MCM) is delighted to be shortlisted as a finalist.

The categories in which MCM has been shortlisted as a finalist are:

The Boarding Innovation Award which celebrates an outstanding example of innovation to deliver better boarding. MCM’s Barton Farm is the focus of this category. Since the project began the organic, sustainable farm has gone from strength to strength, allowing College pupils to experience growing produce from seed to harvest and ecology in action.

The Wellbeing & Mental Health Initiative Award recognises the embedded initiatives that provide supportive environments and programmes to enhance self-esteem, strengthen the school community and promote healthy choices.

The Boarding Research Award commends the commitment to improve boarding and ensure that pupils’ needs are met by development that is underpinned by original research and pupil-based data.

Winners will be announced early May – virtually.