Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad (KULIM) signs the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)’s Declaration of Corruption-Free Pledge in an effort to drive better governance, integrity culture and to enhance awareness amongst the employees and vendors on anti-corruption practices in KULIM.
Mohd Faris Adli Shukery, Managing Director of KULIM, signed the pledge in the presence of SAC Sheikh Hamadi Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Deputy Director (Prevention) of MACC Johor. Also present were KULIM’s Board of Directors, Heads of Governance for Johor Corporation Group, KULIM’s management team, employees and its vendors.
“This pledge further demonstrates our initiative to uphold high integrity, governance and transparency in our business operations. We want to foster awareness among KULIM employees on the importance of practising noble values and inculcating integrity as a responsibility of every employee of KULIM. The same goes for our vendors, in acting in the best interest of KULIM and maintaining the highest level of integrity, transparency and accountability in conducting KULIM’s business and operations,” said Mohd Faris at the signing held in conjunction with KULIM Integrity Day 2023 at its training centre in Kota Tinggi.
In line with good governance, KULIM obtained ISO 37001:2016 Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) Certification on 4 June 2021. The accreditation covers its oil palm plantations (estates and mills), pineapple operations, cattle operations and corporate services in Malaysia. In the coming years, KULIM will expand the scope of ISO ABMS certification for other subsidiary companies.
To strengthen its corporate governance practices, KULIM has also established the Vendor Integrity Pledge which serves as an agreement between KULIM and its vendors to prevent bribery, collusion or other corrupt practices to ensure transparency and accountability in procurement processes. At the event, the Vendor Integrity Pledge was signed by 15 of KULIM’s main vendors.
KULIM employees and its guests were also given further exposure on the importance of good governance and integrity through a talk entitled “Ketelusan atau Ketirisan?” by Dato’ Sri Akhbar Satar, President of the Malaysian Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
For further information on KULIM and its efforts in integrity, governance and transparency, visit www.kulim.com.my.