The Johor Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) has recently carried out monitoring and inspections of the supply of basic necessities at several distribution centres (Distribution Centres) of well-known supermarkets in Johor found that the supply stock of basic necessities, especially cooking oil, flour, sugar and eggs are in high demand for distribution to all supermarket chains throughout Johor. This is due to the increase in purchases of essential goods, especially preparations to celebrate the upcoming Chinese New Year festive season.
KPDNHEP Johor inspected a total of 7,373 establishments encompassing 6,813 merchants, 485 wholesalers, and 75 manufacturers for all districts in the state from 1st of January, 2022 to 28th of January, 2022, according to records. Since the implementation of the Malaysian Maximum Family Price Scheme (SHMKM) on the 1st of January, 2022, a total of 124 cases have been filed under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011 with a total value of RM 20,600.00. A total of 8 complaints about rising food and service prices have been received by KPDNHEP Johor. All premises were compounded as a consequence of the inspection, and action was taken under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act (AKHAP) 2011.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) Johor would like to remind traders, particularly those in the state of Johor, to abide by all business laws. Consumers should also continue to follow the SOPs and health guidelines that have been underlined, particularly while going out to buy daily requirements. If traders are proven to have committed supply and price violations, they will face severe consequences.
Consumers can channel information or complaints related to misconduct of traders to the Ministry through:
- Line 03 – 8000 8000 Malaysia Government Call Centre (MYGCC);
- Call centre 1800 886 800;
iii. Enforcement Command Centre (ECC) 03 – 8882 6245/6088;
- KPDNHEP’s Whatsapp complaint number 019 – 279 4317;
- Email;
- Ez ADU smartphone app; and
vii. Report/attend to any KPDNHEP District Branch Office throughout the state of Johor.