Johor’s Town to Build the Malaysia’s First Railway Recreational Park

The 2.8KM Linear Park is in the Kluang Municipal Council’s Local Plan for Year 2030

Ir. Ts Mohamad Fazli Bin Mohamad Salleh, Chairman of the Johor State Public Works, Transport, and Infrastructure Committee and Transport Minister, Loke Siew Fook after the Signing Ceremony - image credits Ministry of Transport Malaysia Facebook page

Bandar Kluang will be the first city in Malaysia to have a Railway Recreation Park in the future.

Transport Minister, Loke Siew Fook witnessed the Signing Ceremony of the Strategic Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding between the Railway Asset Corporation (RAC), Kluang Municipal Council (MPK), SIPP – YTL JV, and Think City Sdn Bhd for the Construction of Kluang Heritage Railway Linear Park.

The signing of this memorandum was also witnessed by Ir. Ts Mohamad Fazli Bin Mohamad Salleh, Chairman of the Johor State Public Works, Transport, and Infrastructure Committee, and Dato’ Jana Santhiran Muniayan, Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport and Chairman of the RAC Board of Directors.

The 2.8-kilometer-long Kluang Heritage Railway Linear Park recreation park has been gazette in the Kluang Municipal Council’s Local Plan for Year 2030, with the goal of changing the surrounding landscape to create a green network and support low-carbon development.

Transport Minister, Loke Siew Fook looking at the Railway Park artist’s illustration – image credits Ministry of Transport Malaysia Facebook page

The proposed construction of this recreational park is a two-pronged approach that the RAC sees as a new concept in the use of railway land as a public recreation area, and it will serve as the starting point for changing the property’s image as a tourism asset under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programme.

“With the proposed Kluang Railway Heritage Linear Park, it will benefit more than 300,000 residents of Kluang and the entire nation of Johor in general, in addition to being an attraction for outside visitors,” Mohamad Fazli said in his Facebook post.

“I hope that with the existence of Kluang Railway Heritage Linear Park, this will be one of the added values to Bandar Kluang, in line with the District Local Plan that is in force, and can provide a positive impact to ensure that Bandar Kluang becomes a sustainable, developed, prosperous, and habitable township,” he added.