Two Rice ATMs installed in Johor
Automated teller machines (ATM) are commonly used for withdrawing cash. But Rice ATM? Now, especially for the B40 community, a Rice ATM was installed to ‘withdraw’ rice at Masjid India here in Johor Bahru. Working with Malaysian Red Crescent Society, Sunway Group is the first corporation to install Rice ATMs in Malaysia. This is the first Rice ATM installed in Johor.

100 beneficiaries from Masjid India will be given a RFID card that they can use to tap on the machine and withdraw 8kg of rice monthly to be taken bi-monthly on Fridays (4kg per tap). Sunway Group will install one more Rice ATM in Masjid Nurul Muttaqin Kg Ulu Pulai in Gelang Patah, Johor where it will also benefit 100 beneficiaries.

The event was officiated by YAM Tunku Idris Iskandar, Tunku Temenggong Johor, Chairman of the National Committee for Community Services, Malaysian Red Crescent, Sunway Iskandar’s representative, Datuk Ir Khairil Anwar; CEO and President of Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) and Gerard Soosay, CEO of Sunway Iskandar. Also present were Deputy SS, the Mayor (Datuk Bandar), CEO of MAIJ and CEO of Bank Muamalat.

1600kg of rice had been donated to both masjids, and at the Rice ATM, a donation compartment was also installed to collect cash donations from the public. The donation will be used to purchase more rice. Other than the two in Johor, Sunway Group will donate 6 more machines in Penang, Ipoh, and KL, with 6000kg of rice across the country.
The event also saw the distribution of 1000 packs of bubur lambuk, a Ramadan tradition. QSR Brands, KFC & MRC gave out 180 goody bags, MAIJ donated 150 bags of rice and Bank Muamalat sponsored the Duit Raya (money packets) for the needy.