Iskandar Investment Berhad Takes Stand against Corruption

Pledges Declaration of Integrity with Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission

Dato’ Idzham Mohd Hashim, President & Chief Executive Officer of Iskandar Investment Berhad (left) hands over the signed pledge to SAC Sheikh Hamadi Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Deputy Director (Prevention) of MACC Johor (right) on ‘Majlis Ikrar Bebas Rasuah 2023’ held at EduCity Iskandar, Iskandar Puteri, Johor

Iskandar Investment Berhad (IIB) and the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) had signed the Declaration of Corruption-Free Pledge on 24th of May 2023. The ceremony was an important milestone in the company’s commitment to increasing anti-corruption knowledge and adherence, as it took a big step towards promoting stronger governance and an integrity culture throughout its business.

Dato’ Idzham Mohd Hashim, President / Chief Executive Officer (PCEO) of IIB, formally signed the pledge in the presence of SAC Sheikh Hamadi Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Deputy Director (Prevention) of MACC Johor. Distinguished members of IIB’s executive team and employees attended the occasion.

“This pledge further demonstrates our initiative to uphold high integrity, governance, and transparency in our business operations,” said Dato’ Idzham.

“We want to foster awareness among IIB employees on the importance of practising noble values and inculcating integrity as a responsibility of every employee of the company”.

The corruption-free pledge was led by Dato’ Idzham Mohd Hashim, President / Chief Executive Officer of Iskandar Investment Berhad and accompanied by IIB’s management and staff

The company’s continuous dedication to the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and accountability will continue to drive it in its quest of sustainable growth and ethical business practises.

By signing the MACC’s Declaration of Corruption-Free Pledge, IIB demonstrates its commitment to creating an environment of integrity within the organisation and among its stakeholders.

IIB acknowledges the Corruption-Free commitment, which was created by MACC and emphasises the commitment and oath taken freely by a company’s leadership and its employees in a personal capacity. In this setting, everyone is accountable and responsible for performing their jobs and abstaining from any engagement in unethical behaviour.

The Corruption-Free Pledge was signed by more than 2,000 additional businesses and organisations, including IIB. This action demonstrates its steadfast support for and acknowledgment of the fact that fighting corruption extends beyond the sole purview of the MACC and is a common obligation and responsibility shared by all members of society.