In Search for Bold, Strong, and Brave Women

“Loft Babes Search” an event as a stepping stone for ambitious women


A confident woman is able to take any challenge given to her, especially if she was guided. A Loft Affair, a platform, event and service provider, recently organised Loft Babes Search at Mutiara hotel to search for a “Loft Babe”. The event was graced by YM Gusti Puteri Retro Astrini and NGO JEWEL President, Liza Alip.

Supporting women from all backgrounds, the event encouraged contestants to learn public speaking, build confidence, and explore their creativity. Contestants also ultimately created a sisterhood bonding that would be a useful navigator through life’s ups and downs.

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Loft Babe Search had 9 categories, and was given a sash and a prize for: EQ, Creative, Entrepreneur, Photogenic, Stunning, Audience, Social Media, Runway, Flawless, and the ultimate winner; the Loft Babe.

The winner from each category will have a chance to work with strategic partners from all business backgrounds, present at the event: Quarters Co-Working Space, Daddy & Co, Activ One Printing Service, Reyna Movement, and Wan Rahman Collections.

Power women from left to right, Nora Dato Rahman, YM Puteri, NGO JEWEL Thanam Visvanathan-Suresh and Liza Alip.

Contestants were judged by Aifaa Dato’ Azhar, an image consultant also A Loft Affair co-partner, Farid Ibrahim, an event organiser, and Syakiroh Abd Hamid, Leading Stewardess at Malaysian Airlines, whom with their expertise carefully chose the role model for the next generation: a woman who is bold, confident, and wholesome.

Malveen Kaur A/P Grewachan Singh was crowned the ultimate winner of the Loft Babes Search. A model by profession but a designer by passion and education, she has dreams of owning her own bridal boutique in the future. Joining a competition as such will definitely open the doors of opportunities and network that will eventually lead to the realisation of her dreams.
