Ihsan Johor Makes Drinking Water Accessible

Ensuring freshwater is available at all times for frontliners and COVID-19 patients alike

LG Water Purifier donated to Armed Forces Field Hospital Johor Bahru

Ihsan Johor, a recipient of the Iskandar Malaysia Social Hero Awards (IMSHA), has provided four LG water purifiers to the Armed Forces Field Hospital in Johor Bahru, thanks to the support of Free Market Johor, sponsors, and contributors.

On the 20th of June, two units were handed over, one of which was fully contributed by Free Market Johor, while the remaining units arrived on the 30th of June and 6th of July, respectively.

All of the units are placed in every ward of the Armed Forces Field Hospital Johor Bahru. 

“The objective of this contribution is to facilitate COVID-19 patients to obtain hot and cold drinking water on an ongoing basis while reducing the burden of health workers from obtaining drinking water for patients. It allows health workers to focus on the treatment of COVID-19 patients in particular,” said Farrah Baptist, CEO of Ihsan Johor in a statement.

Ihsan Johor CEO Farrah Baptist handing over another unit of water purifier to Hospital Sultanah Aminah Director, Dr Mohtar Bin Pungut @ Ahmad

Farrah credited HSAJB welfare officers, Malaysia Armed Forces and Royal Malay Regiment who served in the Army Field Hospital HSAJB in this effort together. With the help of Kluang Malaysia Relief Association officers, Ihsan Johor also offers water purifiers and air coolers at the workers’ resting area.

Chief Regimen Major Mohd Khir Rezza with one unit of water purifier

“Dry ingredients such as 3-in-1 drinks, biscuits, bread and instant noodles are supplied from time to time throughout the operation of the field hospital,” she added. Total contribution to the Armed Forces hospital is estimated at RM20,000 to date.

Interested parties and organisations may get in touch with Ihsan Johor through their Facebook page for any collaborations or donations via https://www.facebook.com/ihsanjohorofficial