Healthy, Tasty and Satisfying Local Favourites on The Table at Super Speed

Quicker, more convenient and delicious buka puasa meals with Ayam Brand pastes & Coconut milk

Chicken Kurma recipe by Ayam Brand

Parents, especially mums, trust the winning combo of Ayam Brand pastes and Coconut Milk this busy and blessed Ramadan season to get the children and adults fed and ready for school and work with minimal stress, and maximum taste.

Before the busy season begins, check your budgeting, your skill set and your pantry. Do you want to spend on daily take-away meals twice a day for almost 30 days, or would it be more cost efficient and healthier to make your own meals? Do you have enough time and skills to make weekday sahur and buka puasa meals from scratch for yourself and the family?

For a cost efficient, more nutritious and tastier meal option for your family, Ayam Brand’s new local pastes that include Kari Ikan, Masak Merah, Kurma and Masak Lemak Cili Padi can reduce your prep time of pounding, blending, dry frying spices and herbs by a good 20 minutes, freeing up your time and hands to do other morning or buka puasa essentials.

Add a pack of Ayam Brand coconut milk for that nutty, creamy taste, and the deliciousness of a well-balanced meal for your family is significantly improved, at minimal cost.

Just think of the memories and traditions you will create with the family.

The new pastes join the tried, tested and tastebuds approved collection of carefully curated and crafted local pastes by Ayam Brand: Chicken Curry Paste, Sambal Tumis Paste, Asam Pedas Paste and Rendang Paste. All eight Ayam Brand local pastes are guaranteed authentic tasting, and fool-proof as long as you follow the instructions on the pack and watch the stove.

A single 180g Ayam Brand Paste pack, topped with 500g to 600g of chicken, meat, fish or seafood of your choice can be ready in 30 minutes or less and can generously feed a family of four to five, at only RM5 per pack of Ayam brand Cooking Paste, and RM3 per pack of Ayam Brand Coconut Milk. Rest assured that Ayam Brand Pastes and Ayam Brand Coconut Milk are free from preservatives, free from added MSG and additives. They are also certified HALAL by JAKIM.

Chicken Kurma Recipe


  • Ayam Brand Kurma Paste180g
  • Ayam Brand Coconut milk 60ml
  • Medium sized diced potatoes 80g
  • Carrots 80g
  • Red onion big cuts 80g
  • 300g Chicken (mix thighs and breast)
  • Water 200ml
  • Red chili and coriander leaves as garnish


  • Pour the paste into the pan, saute the paste with the potatoes, carrots and chicken until medium well.
  • Then, add water, and cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for about 10 mins or until the chicken is cooked and meat and potato have soften.
  • Next, add red onion, coconut milk and cook until boil.
  • Ready to serve hot with rice.

Make this back-to-school, Ramadan and Raya season even more memorable, join the Ayam Brand Masak and Menang (Cook and Win) Contest with total weekly and grand prizes worth RM30,000. Contest is ongoing until 10th April 2024. To join purchase Ayam Brand Paste and/or Coconut Milk. For complete terms & conditions , visit .