Happy Birthday, Johor Collective Media (JOCOM)!

JOCOM turns one this March


Johor Collective Media or JOCOM turned one in March this year. The non-profit association comprising alternative media owners in Johor came to celebrate the first year of formation together at Renaissance Hotel Johor Bahru with a special cake in the shape of number one.

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Being the first of its kind as a union of media owners association, JOCOM was established to encourage networking and business developments among members while also promoting and presenting interests of all members. Partnerships are encouraged among members and industry players by sharing relevant information and updates within the industry.

Currently with over 30 members strong with 1.4million followers in total combined, the association is one strong collective voice for media owners in Johor that are built to protect the interests of members based on best practises, be it through training, business development, networking opportunities and legal advice on regulatory matters.

2019 has been a successful year for JOCOM with partnership and clientele as big as Hard Rock Hotel, Desaru, Malaysia Association of Hotels (MAH) Johor Chapter and Sunway Iskandar to name a few among other active engagements with key industry players. JOCOM has also covered many first establishments in Johor like R&F Mall, Sunway Big Box, Toppen Shopping Centre, Forest City Water Park and even involved with the state government’s tourism campaign like travel mart event.

The association is open for all media practitioners be it an individual or a group of people to join. Interested parties can register with JOCOM at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpMzlpouJPtyT-IE9WSXFGXXFrYFzs-YjFuwYEzpn4fqNqng/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1

Follow JOCOM’s update and activities at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jocom.media/, Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jocomdotmedia/ and website https://jocom.media/
