The recent introduction of Electric Vehicles (EVs) by Handal Indah Sdn Bhd to support its Cross-Border operations marks a significant advancement in the pursuit of sustainable public transport.
According to Handal Indah’s press statement, Lim Han Weng had Handal Indah invest over RM80million to advance its commitment to eco-friendly public transportation initiatives in its Malaysiaa and Singapore cross-border operations.
This investment includes acquiring 60 units of e-buses and establishing charging infrastructures in its depots in Johor.
This landmark achievement has also earned Handal Indah the distinction of being the First Bus Operator to Run Cross-Border Electric Bus Services in Malaysia, as recognised by the Malaysia Book of Records. This recognition comes on the heels of Handal Indah’s deployment of e-buses on its three Cross-Border routes, namely Causeway Link CW3 (Larkin Sentral, Johor, Malaysia -Jurong East, Singapore), CW4 (Larkin Sentral, Johor, Malaysia – Jurong East, Singapore), and CW6(Larkin Sentral, Johor, Malaysia – Boon Lay, Singapore).
Datuk Onn Hafiz bin Dato’ Ghazi, the Chief Minister of Johor, was said to have lauded Handal Indah Sdn Bhd’s investment in electric buses as a substantial step towards sustainability support for the transportation landscape not only in Johor but also in Malaysia.
“Causeway Link, being a Johor brand, has been an icon in Johor for helping to assist Malaysians working in Singapore with their daily transport.”
“By investing in sustainable practices, this will encourage other service providers to embrace this journey as we move towards reducing our carbon footprint.”
“This endeavour drives positive change and creates a more eco-conscious, efficient, and enjoyable commuting experience for all.”
Lim Han Weng, the founder of Handal Indah Sdn Bhd, has been the driving force behind this initiative, emphasising the importance of transitioning to greener transport options.
“We are committed to going decarbonised, but this will take time and more investments from our side. We are still at an early stage of electrification in Malaysia, and we are committed to pushing forward to learn and improve from every deployment in order to provide our commuters with cleaner, more efficient, and still affordable public transportation,” he said.
The successful deployment of these vehicles were only made possible through collaboration with partners as part of the value chain, namely Liannex Corporation Sdn Bhd and Ecolife TechnologyCo.,Ltd (Eco Life).
Liannex Corporation Sdn Bhd procure the electric buses within the state of Johor. The partnerships is said to have facilitated the acquisition and deployment of electric buses, showcasing a combined effort to advance sustainable and eco-friendly transportation initiatives.
Eco Life has also played a role in bolstering Handal Indah’s operations, by furnishing essential charging infrastructure for the EV buses operated by Causeway Link, housed in its Johor Depots.
This infrastructure not only caters to the charging requirements of cross-border electric buses but also extends to the local routes operated by Handal Indah, utilising e-buses within Johor.
Looking ahead, Handal Indah has already implemented numerous e-buses on its cross-border looping bus services.
Additionally, several routes operated by myBAS Johor Bahru have also incorporated e-buses as part of Handal Indah’s ongoing project with Agensi Pengangkutan Awam Darat (APAD), with myBAS Johor Bahru serving as the network operator.