First Ever Womenpreneur Movement’s ‘Her Talk, Her Inspiration’ in Johor


Driving atop the hill of Sunway Iskandar past Sunway Citrine to the Big Wheel Seedbank Virtual Office recently, was pleasant as the debut of ‘Her Talk, Her Inspiration’ organised by Womenpreneur Movement, an initiation by a group of globally empowered women from all walks of life was held for the very first time in Johor.

The all-female speakers of 8 ladies were there to share their success stories and the struggles they had encountered while trying to balance their individuality, career and family. While they shared one title – ‘women-preneur’, each of them had different struggles to share but still relatable to the audience encompassing of men and women.

Speakers with host of the day at far left, Angelle Quah from The Womenpreneur Movement and Michael Chang from Big Wheel Seedbank Virtual Office in the middle

Among them was Lorainne Ng, iproperty’s Southern region Head of Sales who shared about the importance of family in our journey to achieving success in life. The speakers came from a mixed-background of beauty pageant queen, property expert, founders of a lingerie company, hypnotherapist, NLP certified trainer and many more.

Lorraine Ng, as Head of Sales for iProperty Southern Region narrating her success story to the audience

Struggle stories ranged from hardships during childhood days that impacted their adulthood, body image, losing family members, coming from underprivileged situation, sceptical of their abilities, body positivity and the list goes on. Some of the sharing sessions even made people burst into tears, probably empathising or actually living in the same shoes as the speakers.

The speakers’ achievements by the end of the session gave a lot of hope and determination that if individuals like them who experienced similar or worst situations could still make it, than those who are a little better off, could definitely work our way up there. Hurdles are there to overcome but never give up and go through life in stages just like how a caterpillar goes through phases to transform into a butterfly.

Catch Womenpreneur Movements next event in their FB page and get to know more about Big Wheel Seedbank Virtual Office via