Feels at Home with Sajian Tradisi Buffet at Holiday Villa


Bringing you back to good old times with dishes made of authentic home recipes

Holiday Villa Johor Bahru City Centre may be 3 years young; however, their Sajian Tradisi buffet for this coming fasting month would definitely make you feel nostalgic with their display of dishes at its Fern Pine Cafe located at Level 9. Once you step into their buffet, you will be greeted with a rustic, old-school Raleigh bicycle carrying all kinds of candies from your childhood, served there to accompany the many choices of dried fruits including dates to break your fast.

Chef presenting their hot Gulai Kawah

Beautiful view, hustling and bustling of the cooking chefs as the sun starts to set would make you think of family at kampung preparing for fast-breaking as the dusk time approaches.

Old-school bicycle carrying your childhood sweet memories

Be in awe of their Soup Gearbox; cattle bones boiled with onions and other spices best eaten with bread or drank on its own. Complete your plate of white rice with selections of coconut milk-based gravy like Masak lemak, Sambal and more, then add various choices of kerabu that are made available right next to the fresh cut fruits. Remember to go to the balcony where live-cooking stalls are held, especially the succulent Roast Lamb.

Roast Lamb served at the balcony

Get your early bird vouchers at RM109 nett per adult from 15th March to 5th May before it gets to the normal price which is RM128nett per adult and RM68 nett per child of 4 to 11 years old. The buffet is available from 6th of May to 4th of June from 6.30pm to 10pm.

Enquiries and reservations could be made by calling at 07 – 290 3367 or 016 6794 278.