Encouraging Property Seeking Trends among Malaysians despite COVID-19


iProperty.com.my, Malaysia’s No. 1 property portal, has announced the results of its latest consumer survey in understanding Malaysians in their property seeking journey during the MCO period. The survey conducted from 11th May – 1st June 2020 also analyses the purchasing desire of homebuyers before, during and after MCO where:

  • 44% of survey respondents were looking to purchase a property before the announcement of MCO.
  • Property seeking interest was not adversely affected by the MCO as the number of home seekers looking to buy properties after the announcement of the MCO increased to 45%.
  • 90% of property seeking respondents named easy entry options as the top factor that will ease their transaction decision.

This positive consumer survey highlights the timeliness of the reintroduction of the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) under the government’s recent Economic Recovery Plan (PENJANA) package. The HOC initiative which features significant stamp duty holidays would help alleviate the financial burden of aspiring home buyers.

Commenting on the consumer survey, Wong Siew Lai, General Manager of Marketing and Communications, iProperty.com.my said, “The findings from this consumer survey revealed something very encouraging on Malaysian property seekers purchasing desires despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, volume of demand didn’t significantly change and people are still looking for properties.”