Editor’s Note


Hello June!

Everyone at the office is super thrilled that it’s a long weekend here as we celebrate the Agong’s official birthday on the 3rd of June. I don’t know about you, but I’m planning to just relax and binge watch my favourite movies that have been long pending on my list!

This month, we have Bad Boys: Ride or Die from Sony Pictures Malaysia in cinemas on the 13th of June, starring Will Smith, Martin Lawrence reprising in their previous roles. Meanwhile, The Walt Disney Company Malaysia, brings us Inside Out 2 which will be welcoming new emotions.

For my music lovers, do browse the Music tab for all the latest news, releases and updates from your favourite artists.

Hari Raya Haji is coming soon, how about trying out some easy and convenient recipes from Ayam Brand Malaysia for the whole family to enjoy. The brand has come up with countless easy-to-cook pastes that would save you time and money. Do give it a try and share your recipes with us.

For more travel tales, ideas or updates, do browse our Travel tab for details.

For those wishing to share their fashion collection, travel tales, or like us to review your restaurant/hotel for a staycation, drop me an e-mail at waves.lifestyle@gmail.com and be featured. For more news, do access www.theiskandarian.com and our social media sites.

We, at The Iskandarian, would like to wish all our hardworking dads, a very Happy Father’s Day and to all celebrants Selamat Hari Raya Haji.  
