Digitising Nursing Care

Regency Specialist Hospital and Mahkota Medical Centre set to promote patient and family-centred care with digitalisation

Digitising Nursing Care

The expansion of virtual care has become a priority to many hospitals to curb the COVID-19 pandemic. Regency Specialist Hospital and Mahkota Medical Centre had initiated a joint virtual nursing seminar to promote patient and family-centred care in the digital era by bringing together various experts from the United States, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia.

COVID-19 pandemic has brought new norms to the world and accelerated the digital transformation in healthcare services. Digitalisation is an approach to reshape the future of nursing care.

According to the HMI Group CEO, also the keynote speaker of the event, Chin Wei Jia stated that information technology is a critical component to transform nursing practice and education. It is a significant turning point for the healthcare industry.

“The current workforce already lives in a connected world and will have even better access to digital technologies in both the public and private sphere. Providing them with sufficient communication devices, knowledge resources, patient management, and decision-support tools will enable them to be more effective in their work,” said Chin.

She also addressed that digitalisation will help the healthcare industry to leap toward becoming fully-digital, inter-connected and mass-personalised. Thus, nurses are able to provide patients with smarter, better and more personalised services.

She emphasised that digitalisation in nursing care is in line with the Group’s mission to help enhance the overall wellbeing of communities by building and leveraging human capacities and technological innovation. Both Mahkota Medical Centre and Regency Specialist Hospital are committed to bringing together the most competent medical capabilities from within and outside of the hospitals to digitise nursing care.

More than 500 nurses from both public and private health sectors have benefited from this seminar. Among the speakers who presented at this seminar were Connie Ma (Chow Tze Hwa), the principal of Excel Healthcare Training USA, Dr Hsun-Hsiang Liao, Deputy Executive Officer, Joint Commission of Taiwan, Dr Tso-Ying Lee, Acting Director of Nursing Department of Cheng Hsin General Hospital and President of Taiwan Nursing Informatics Association, Dr Kris See, Medical Director & Chief Clinical Scientist of Osel Group, Malaysia and Dr Angie Ng, Director of Nursing, ECON Healthcare Group, Singapore.