Damansara Assets Pledges Sustainability With United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)

The leading property services company is taking up a notch with UNGC’s Ten Pillars

Damansara Assets Sdn Bhd’s Managing Director, Hazman Hilmi Sallahuddin

Damansara Assets Sdn Bhd (DASB), the property services arm of Johor Corporation (JCorp) that provides integrated asset lifecycle management solutions, today announced it has joined the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) via its local network, UN Global Compact Network Malaysia and Brunei (UNGCMYB). 

Through this partnership, DASB has announced its support to implement the ten principles of the UNGC; among others on meeting fundamental responsibilities on Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption, and to work towards sustainability targets of the UN Global Goals 2030.

“As a leading property services company, DASB is driven to promote sustainable projects and implement sustainable business practices in its daily operations,” said DASB’s Managing Director, Hazman Hilmi Sallahuddin. 

“We also believe in the power of cooperation and communication, and therefore excited to be joining the UN Global Compact in our commitment in this impactful journey together with our employees, customers and other stakeholders,” he added.

Even before becoming a full fledge member of UNGC, DASB has taken several initiatives which complement the UNGC’s Ten Pillars. As one of the largest property services company in Southern Malaysia, DASB is fully committed to the reduction of its global carbon footprint by reducing the energy consumption within its operation through various initiatives. These include a future solar panel installation project at one of DASB’s commercial properties which aim to reduce the power usage by 30%. 

Meanwhile, UNGCMYB Johor State Director Edey Suresh said: “We welcome the commitments shown by DASB and we believe this will set the tone for businesses in Johor to adapt sustainable business practices.” 

“The notion that businesses can thrive while upholding values that are becoming increasingly important to consumers and stakeholders is a message that we want to emphasise,” he added.